Dealing with Change and Negativity

Using a fast-paced blend of information, strategies and humor, Dealing with Change and Negativity is designed to increase an individual's effectiveness in dealing with negative behaviors and resistance to change.

This course explores the impact of personal and organizational attitudes and perceptions and is designed to assist both individuals and organizations explore strategies to reduce negativity and resistance to change.

This approach allows attendees to discover that their assumptions and beliefs often determine how they relate to change and life experiences. This course also offers practical strategies to stay positive and energized in a changing and challenging world.

Course Content

The concentrated areas of study within this course are:

  • Identifying, addressing, dealing with, and remedies for negativity which accompanies stress and strain in the workplace.
  • Basic human response to change:
    • The difference between resistance and reluctance.
    • Phases of change.
    • How change is increasing in both volume and intensity.
    • Models of change which help provide a concrete method to draw from when struggling with change.
  • The effects of how we communicate (verbal and nonverbal communication) and the impact of our communications on organizations.
  • Strategies to stay positive and energized in a changing world.
Dealing With Change & Negativity

19596 210th Avenue SE
Lake Lillian, MN 56253


Mike Kutzke email

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"Motivating - very good presentation."